The Visual Representation in the Meme of Ahok

Esty Fidhela Muliawati, Doddy Iskandar


Meme is one of the media of mass communication that has started to be loved by the public. Meme can be enjoyed by people of all lifestyles. The Meme of Ahok is a meme that are circulating on the Internet. In a variety of themes, the Meme of Ahok store various meanings. This study examined the meaning of representation of the Meme of Ahok. This study used a qualitative research with C.S Peirce's semiotics approach. Based on this approach, the research browsed for sign, icon, index, and symbol as linking properties. The results of this study indicate that the Meme of Ahok contains a lot of meaning, especially the meaning of sarcasm and hate speech. Signs, according to Peirce semiotics, cover icon, index, and symbol. There are pictures and rants described in the Meme. Colors, although not dominating, inadvertently supports the meme.


Meme, Ahok, Sarcasm, Hate Speech


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