The Construction of Virtue and Personality of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Unfamiliar Historical Books

Mochamad Nabil Iqbalul Al Hakiqi


Every Muslim believes that Prophet Muhammad SAW (Shollallahu 'Alaihwa sallam) is the perfect role model. He was the best man ever born on thisearth who has the greateast moral. Because of his behavior, the Prophet is loved and respected by everybody; young and old, men and women. They were all very impressed by his great personality. However, do all Muslims know about the personality and the character of the noble prophet, Muhammad SAW.? By studying a printed media, like a book, we can find out and study the life history of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This study aims to determine how the moral and personality of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is written in a book entitled "Sejarah Yang Terpendam". Thus, the study take the title "Konstruksi Realitas Akhlak dan Pribadi Nabi Muhammad SAW in the “Sejarah Yang Terpendam" book. By applying qualitative research methods with the approach of framing analysis, this study uses a model of William A. Gamson and Andre Modigliani to find what frame used by Drs. Muhsin Al Jufri in this book which outlines how personal morality of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This model analyzes the data in two categories; framing devices and reasoning devices. One important goal delivered by Drs. Muhsin Al Jufri in his book is to make the readers know about the figure of the Prophet Muhammad further and deeper. This is the author’s way in reminding the moslem who declare themselves as The Noble Prophet lovers, yet they don’t have any knowledge about the history and the figure of the Noble Prophet, or even don’t have the willingness to study the figure of The Noble Prophet, Muhammad SAW.


Framing Analysis, Construction Reality, Morals, the Prophet Muhammad SAW


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