The Study of Meaning Behind the Banners of The Bandung Great City Police Unit

Muhammad Yan Setiawan, Alex Sobur


This study is entitled The Study of Meaning Behind the Banners of the Bandung Great City Police Unit. The purpose of this study is to determine the meaning of the icons, indexes, symbols on the banner of traffic ad by The Bandung Great City Police Unit for motorcycle riders in Purnawarman Road, Bandung. The method used was qualitative method with the semiotics perspective of Charles Sanders Peirce. The technique of collecting data is in the form of textual analysis, interviews, and literature study. In conclusion, the icon of the traffic ad banner for motorists in Purnawarman Road is aimed at creating a motorist to adhere to traffic signs. In the index, the traffic ad banner is addressed to motorists in Purnawarman Road because many people do not obey the traffic rules. The meaning of the symbols on the traffic ad banner describes a policewoman, as law enforcer, maintains and improves public order. The ad is intended for motorcycle riders in Purnawarman Road to wear a helmet.


Traffic Advertising Banner, Icon, Index, Symbol


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