The Relationship Between The Motive of Watching the Olimpiade Indonesia Cerdas and The Knowledge of High School Students in Bandung

Budi Setiawan, Yenni Yuniati


Media of Television has the essence of education, information, as well as
entertainment. However, the entertainment aspect tends to get larger portion than
the aspects of information and education. Therefore, the people’s knowledge
about the educational program offered by television media will be
vary. It may be associated with the motive of each audience itself.
This study aims to determine the relationship between the
motive of watching the Olimpiade Indonesia Cerdas with the knowledge of high school
students in Bandung. The method used in this research is an associative explanatory survey
which describes the relationship (correlation) between
the variables. The data collection technique used is a field research by distributing
questionnaires. The population in this study is second grade high school students in
Bandung with a total sample of 55 people which is done randomly.
The results show that the relationship between the motive of watching the
the program and the knowledge of the students is proven to have a
positive and significant relationship. This means that there is a correlational
relationship between the two variables, which means the more motivated the students watching OIC program, the more knowledge they get, both in a particular subject as well as general knowledge.


Motives, OIC and Knowledge


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