The Role of Info Margahayu Raya as the Media of Citizen Journalism in Meeting the Needs of Their Official Account Users

sheila azarina budiman, Santi Indra Astuti


The development of Internet in Indonesia increasingly prevalent with the emergence of various social media, one of them is the social media Line. With the sharing feature in Line’s timeline, people use it to share information to other Line user. From there, an official account of citizen journalism in Margahayu Raya Complex was formed. The purpose of this research is to know whether there is any difference in the level of demand (Gratification Sought / GS) of media reader with the level of satisfaction (Gratification Obtained / GO) after reading the media. This research is a quantitative-comparative, i.e. research to compare the similarities and differences of two or more of the facts and the properties of the object under study by a particular framework. The respondents of this study were residents of Margahayu Raya Complex, Bandung. From the results of this research, citizen journalism of Info Margahayu Raya is able to give satisfaction in general information seeking, decisional utility, entertainment, interpersonal utility, and social Interaction. Because of the aspects, there is no significant difference between the levels of citizen journalism in the Info Margahayu Raya with a degree of satisfaction. This means that the needs of citizens Margahayu Raya Bandung in general have been met by the media.


Uses and Gratification, Line, Citizen Journalism, Scale of GS-GO Palmgreen


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