The Study of Information Exchange of Pitbull Maintenance Tips Sharing in the American Pitbull Terrier (A.P.B.T) Community Dago

Akbar Zacky Arifin, Yenni Yuniati


The Community of American Pit Bull Terrier (A.P.B.T) of Dago Pitcore, Bandung, was made up of people who love Pitbull dogs from various background knowledge of Pitbull maintenance. Many members who are not the members of American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) community Dago Pitcore Bandung do not know how to maintain Pitbull properly. At the time of the creation of a community of American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) Dago Pitcore Bandung, the members often get good tips from other members in maintaining the Pitbull. The community of American Pitbull Terrier (A.P.B.T) Pitcore Dago Bandung dispels the notion to the society that pitbull dog is a beast, fierce, and sinister. APBT community Dago assumes that Pitbull dog is a housedog, just like other dogs who can be a friend, a best friend, or family member. The usual activities of APBT Dago community does not only cover gathering. They also frequently exchange information of Pitbull maintenance and educate members of the community. In contrast to other Pitbull community, they are educating that Pitbull is not a fighter. They are more stressed its members to attend events such as dog sport and dog contest. The aim of this research is to determine the factors, to know the process of discussion, as well as to know the socialization of the community of American Pitbull Terrier (A.P.B.T) Pitcore Dago Bandung in seeking information of Pitbull maintenance tips. The method used was a qualitative method. The data collection techniques cover interviews, observation, and literature study. Based on the description, the results of the discussion show that factors through a process of discussion and socialization of community American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) Dago Pitcore Bandung provides information to members and the community concerning pitbull that it can be maintained and be a good pet for families, neighborhoods, and communities.


Factors, Process Discussion, Socializing, Pitbull Maintenance Tips


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