The Portrayal of Prophet Muhammad as The Role Model for Children in

Lisa Lusmedya, Tia Muthiah Umar


Nowadays, there has been a significant shift on how the children think.
Children seem to be forced to get mature early. Therefore, both parents and the
media have a very important role to deal with this situation. One way to promote
education by the media is through movie.
The movie of Riwayat Kisah Nabi Muhammad SAW (Muhammad: The Last
Prophet) is an animated movie directed by Richar Rich uploaded in YouTube; Kartun Movie (YouTube Cartoon Movie). This study aims to study the
portrayal of Prophet Muhammad as the role model for children.
Qualitative research method is chosen for this research with the approach
of critical discourse analysis proposed by Van Dijk. This research studies
the role model in the movie “Muhammad: The Last Prophet†from dimension of
text, social cognition, and social context.
This research finds that children under the age of 12 are susceptible to the
negative effect of the media. The movie “Muhammad: The Last Prophet†portraits
Prophet Muhammad with the characteristics of a good role model, in which will
help to build children’s thought better compare to love stories that focus
only on profit maximization.


Role model, the movie “Muhammad: The Last Prophet”, cartoon movie


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