The Struggle of Rembang"s Citizen in Samin vs Semen Movie

Abdurrahman Mushaddiq, Kiki Zakiah


The title of this research is “Live Struggle of Rembang’s Citizen in The
Movie Samin vs Semen†(Qualitative research method with the approach of
semiotics analysis proposed by John Fiske concerning about live struggle of
Rembang’s Citizen in The Movie Samin vs Semen). Samin vs Semen is
documentary film tells about condition of Rembang’s citizen who refuse the
construction of cement factory in their area. That refusal has done by conducting
demonstration and blocking the path to the factory.
The sturgle of those Rembang’s citizen is helped by another citizen who embrace
Samin ideology.
The purpose of this research is to find out live struggle of Rembang’s
citizen in the movie Samin vs Semen. This research uses semiotics approach, that examines about signs. Television codes proposed by John Fiske is
chosen for this research. This study investigates three levels of
John Fiske’s theory, those are Reality Level, Representation Level, and Ideology
Level. The movie codes used are appearance code, environment code, dialogue
code, and camera code.
This study reveals that live struggle of Rembang’s citizen in the movie
Samin vs Semen has shown through literacy which is done by Samin’s citizen
who invite Rembang’s citizen not to sale their land for
construction of cement factory. The construction is believed to destroy the
balancing of nature, because nature and agricultural land are heritage for their
next generation.


Film, Samin vs Semen, Semiotic Analysis, John Fiske


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