A Phenomenology Study on Anton Ismael’s Kelas Pagi Jakarta Community

Amagistya Rymada Kusumapuri, Ferry Darmawan


Photography become an activity which is liked by various kinds of people for it is pleasing and promising. It’s not a surprise that there are many people wanting to learn photography. This empowers a former photographer of Rolling Stone magazine, Anton Ismael, to build a community focusing on phatography activity named Kelas Pagi Jakarta. This community shares knowledges of photography to the society for free. This study aims to find out the meanings, motives, as well as the typhology of the Kelas Pagi Jakarta members toward the photography learning activities in the community. The study is a qualitative study using phenomenology approach from Alfred Schutz’s theory. The result shows that many people regards Kelas Pagi Jakarta as a mean to get knowledge from the expert. There are also found that one of their motives on participating in this community is to be able to have expensive knowledge for free as well as open up their chances of obtaining a relation inside of photography’s world. Last, three clusters results typology as follows: (1) Quality of Work; make something with a good quality, pursue what have left behind, and strengthen self-quality. (2) Social Contribution; share about something they’ve got to be useful to those who want to know about photography. (3) Existence; the chance to develop themselves in order to increase relations by counting on photography profession to earn for their live.


Learning, Photography, Kelas Pagi Jakarta Community, Anton Ismael


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2705

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