The News Construction Of The Riot Ied in Tolikara

Hilmy Farhan, Kiki Zakiah


The Eid riot in Tolikara invites controversy from various media. This can be clearly seen through the eyes of mainstream online media, such as, plays its role as peace journalism. Meanwhile, highlights the ideology by defending Muslims as the victims. The study aims to find out the news construction about Eid in Tolikara presented in both media, as well as to find out the news framing by using the framing analysis method from Robert N. Entman. This method divides framing in two major dimensions, namely the selection of issues and protrusion of certain aspects of reality. The protrusion is the process of making the information more meaningful, more interesting, meaningful, or more remembered by the audience. The data is collected by using the technique of documentation and literature review. The documentation method aims to explore the data systematically and objectively as well as to obtain information to support the analysis and the data interpretation. Meanwhile, the literature review is used to collect the materials and literature sources such as seminars proceeding, books, articles, and other online sites. The result shows that there are many differences between Vivanews and Eramuslim in preaching the riots Eid in Tolikara. This can be seen from the element define problems, diagnose cause, make a moral judgment, and treatment recommendation. Out of four elements, there are many differences in terms of topicality, the ideology of the media, the application of Islamic journalism and peace journalism.


News construction, Eid, Tolikara,,


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