Dominasi Karakter Antagonis dalam Film Serial “Mesiahâ€

Nabilla Anasty Fahzaria, Alex Sobur


Abstract – This study is entitled "The Domination of Antagonistic Characters in Western Serial Films" which aims to find out (1) characterization in terms of an financial scheme that includes: sender (destinator), receiver (receiver), subject (subject), object (object), helper ( adjuvant), and inhibitors (traitor); and (2) the dominance of the character of the antagonist in terms of the functional model of Algirdas Greimas which includes: initial situation, transformation (skill test stage, main stage, glory stage), and final situation, (3) pattern of propagation through the Scene-O- model Gram Richard Krevolin. The study used a qualitative method with Greimas's narrative semiotic analysis approach. Greimas's narrative semiotic analysis analogizes narrative as meaning. The characters in the narration occupy an important position in a story. In addition, the relation of each character is very important in a story. This research was conducted through primary and secondary data collection techniques with the object of the research was the Netflix film series "Messiah" Season 1 Episode 1-10. The results showed that the schema of the actans is occupied by several characters at once with the subject being the figure of Al-Masih. The functional model portrays Al-Masih's character as a central figure throughout the film series. Meanwhile the pattern of breaking through the Scene-O-Gram model is divided into three acts.


Keyword: Antagonist Character, Film, Greimas Narrative Semiotic Analysis


Karakter Antagonis, Film, Analisis Semiotik Naratif Greimas

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