Pemenuhan Nilai Investigasi dalam Konten Youtube Watchdoc

Rizky Mardiyansyah Aries, Septiawan Santana Kurnia


Abstract. This research is motivated by the development of the speed of information flow in journalistic activities. The speed of information flow is growing rapidly along with the ease with which the audience is in the information. So it is not uncommon for the mainstream media to only prioritize the actuality of news individually. On that basis, independent alternative media were born. The media is able to take risks by competing and creating their own identity in the process of making journalistic works. The modern information flow that accesses it has been so strong and sophisticated in creating an image that must believe the audience with aspects of the truth of the truth. Apart from describing the accuracy, explanation, development, the positive side of the modern era information flow is that it can easily analyze data using 'data journalism' techniques. Media Watchdoc which focuses on youtube presents and opens the eyes of the audience with credible factuality. One of their documentaries is Asymmetrical. The film seeks to expose the palm oil industry program - including the forest burning system in Indonesia through its investigative journalism. The aim of this research is to find a pattern of in-depth coverage through the journalism framework, which is contained in the narrative of the Watchdoc documentary film, "Asymmetrical". Based on the qualitative method of Nick Lacey's narrative analysis on the structure of the news and the narrator's ranking, the writer will find a reduction in research regarding the fulfillment of population values in the narrative.


Keywords: Investigative Reportage, Film Journalism, Narrative Analysis


Reportasi Investigatif, Jurnalistik Film, Analisis Naratif

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