Pengelolaan Kesan Penampilan ‘Satanisme’ dalam Band Black Metal di Kota Bandung

Moch Taufik Maulana, Yenni Yuniati


Abstract— Music activities are always accompanied by communication, because basically music activities are always side by side with communication activities. The element of art found in the action stage and music is a concept that helps run an interaction with his fans, and through this interaction an individual or group tries to present themselves through a dramatic role. In situations like this one tries to communicate but in a theatrical and musical manner. Like the band Black Metal Prophet, with a unique stage action because it displays an appearance that is identical to Satanism, able to give a different impression. The theory used in this research is Dramaturgi Erving Goffman's theory whose analysis emphasizes the front stage and the back stage. The research method used is a qualitative method with Dramatuurgi Erving Goffman's perspective, a method that describes systematically, factually and accurately about the data, nature and relationship of the phenomenon under study, and then analyzed based on Dramaturgi Erving Goffman. Data collection techniques carried out by interview as primary data and observation and literature study as secondary.

Keywords— Satanisme, Prophet Band, Dramaturgi, Black Metal.


Satanisme, Band Prophet, Dramaturgi, Black Metal.

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