Jurnalisme Advokasi Media Online Newsdifabel.Com

Thia Atifa Shalma, Rita Gani


Abstract. Online media is one source for audiences to get information. The advantages possessed by online media are the speed in delivering news to audiences beyond conventional media such as newspapers. Newsdifabel.com emerged as one of the online media that brought innovation to advocate for the community about  people with disabilities in online platform. This study was used to find out data and information about advocacy journalism on newsdifabel media and their application. Questioning about advocacy, it is known that the word meaning of advocacy is defense. However, advocacy also has several types, which can be pursued through legal channels or not at all. The advocacy discussed in this study is advocacy journalism, a type of defense that can be done by anyone, anytime, and without the need for legal litigation. Advocacy of people with disabilities to do to suppress the stigma against people with disability. The media can take an important role for changes this. Using a qualitative methodology with the approach, case study the researchers work to uncover the application of journalism advocacy online in Newsdifabe.com.. The results of this study, indicate the existence of Advocacy Journalism on Newsdifabel.com and a change in people's views on the assessment of people with disabilities

Keyword: Advocacy journalism, Online media, Disabilities


Jurnalisme advokasi, Media Online, Penyandang disabilitas

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.22748

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