Independence Test of Multivariat based on Graph.

Aldisa Garsifandia, Anneke Iswani Achmad, Aceng Komarudin Mutaqin


This study describes independence test of Multivariat based on Graph. The test is free from distribution and based on distance in each data point. The number and the kind of variable doesnot need to be the same, and the sample can be fewer than the number of variable. Its testing statistic only depends on rank of sides in the graph. This testing will be applied on secondary data about calculation of physical condition, health stamina, and function of lungs on 20 members of aerobic gymnastics in Sanggar Senam Wanita Griba, Bandung, West Java on June – July of 2010.


Graph, Euclidean diatance, distribution of discreet, Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)


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