Hubungan Goal Orientation dengan Student Engagement pada Siswa Kelas 8A di SMPN 3 Baleendah

Intan Nuraeni, Milda Yanuvianti


Abstract. SMPN 3 Baleendah is one of the public schools in Baleendah. This school has limited facilities, such as only has a few classroom so learning activity should be held in two times, morning and noon class. Nevertheless, this school still has an excellent student, that proven by SMPN 3 Baleendah has one superior class that filled by students whose got 1st until 10th rank on the 7th grade. This class always show some behavior such as doing homework on time, never get into trouble and feeling happy and enthusiasm everytime they were studying. However, they have some different reason for doing that even though they show those same kind of behavior. Even they collecting their homework on time, some students have been work on their task since the first day it was given, but some just work on it on the day before collected. Moreover, even they show another same behavior like paying attention at the class, some really want to understand the content itself, but some are just filling out their curiousity. However, it is one of indicator of different goal orientation that the students have. The purpose of this study is to see how strong correlation between goal orientation and student engagement. Hypothesis of this study is the higher the goal orientation, the higher the student engagement. The subjects are 39 students of class 8A. This study is using correlational method, and using goal orientation measurement by Elliot (2008) and student engagement by Fredricks (2004). Data were analyzed by Rank Spearman with SPSS 20.0. The result showed there was a positive and quite high correlation between goal orientation and student engagement with the value of rs = 0.459.

Keywords: Goal Orientation, Student Engagement, Class 8A Students, SMPN 3 Baleendah


Abstrak. SMPN 3 Baleendah merupakan salah satu sekolah negeri di Baleendah. Sekolah ini memiliki fasilitas sekolah yang terbatas, seperti ruang kelas yang sedikit sehingga kegiatan belajar mengajar harus diselenggarakan dalam dua waktu yaitu pagi dan siang. Meskipun demikian, ternyata sekolah ini tetap memiliki siswa yang berprestasi. Hal ini terlihat dari adanya kelas unggulan yaitu kelas 8A, terdiri dari siswa ranking 1 sampai 10 ketika di kelas 7. Perilaku siswa selalu mengerjakan PR tepat waktu, tidak pernah terlibat masalah dan merasa senang serta semangat ketika belajar. Meskipun menampilkan perilaku yang sama, ternyata terdapat perbedaan alasan di antara para siswa dalam melakukan hal tersebut. Meskipun tetap mengumpulkan tugasnya tepat waktu, ada siswa yang mengerjakannya sejak jauh hari, tetapi ada juga yang baru mengerjakan sebelum dikumpulkan. Ketika memperhatikan guru pun ada yang benar-benar ingin memahami materi, namun ada juga yang hanya ingin tahu saja. Hal tersebut merupakan indikasi adanya perbedaan goal orientation yang dimiliki oleh para siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini, melihat seberapa erat hubungan antara goal orientation dengan student engagement. Hipotesis yang diajukan, semakin tinggi goal orientation, maka semakin tinggi student engagement. Subjek penelitian adalah 39 orang siswa kelas 8A. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode korelasional. Alat ukur penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur goal orientation (Elliot,2008) dan student engagement (Fredricks,2004). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Rank Spearman dengan menggunakan SPSS 20.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif dan cukup kuat antara goal orientation dan student engagement, dengan nilai rs=0,459.

Kata Kunci: Goal Orientation, Student Engagement, Siswa Kelas 8A, SMPN 3 Baleendah


Goal Orientation, Student Engagement, Siswa Kelas 8A, SMPN 3 Baleendah

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