Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Religiusitas Siswa Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Iman Bandung

Sarah Adelia Pramitha, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer


Abstract: Nurul Iman Bandung Islamic Senior High School has a purpose to organize Islamic education. However, the education which is achieved by the students is not reflected yet in their daily behavior. There still be found students in XI grade who behave appropriately as the school’s expectation, for example the way the students wear the uniform is not in accordance with Islamic Shari'a so that the uniform looks tight and shows aurat (body parts), Smoking, Cheating, Permit Counterfeiting, unfollowing to the Islamic Activity, do not perform the five times prayers, untrustworthy in paying the school payment, canceling the fast intentionally are found in the school. The religiosity is the frequency of the invidual performs the religious orders, the individual charateristic in forming their religion, the importance of the religion to the individu, and the individual appreciation to the religion. (Huber&Huber, 2012). Religiosity is divided into 5 dimensions, Intellectual dimensin, Ideology, Public Practice dimension, Private Practice dimension and Religious Experience dimension. The aim of this research is to get the empirical data about the picture of religiosity of the students of XI grade of Nurul Iman Bandung Islamic Senior High School. This research is using the measuring instruments of The Centrality of Religiosity Scale from Huber and Huber. The Method which is used in this research is descriptive study with the subjects students of XI grade of Nurul Iman Bandung Islamic Senior High School around 74 students. According to the analysis of data, the results that are gotten are about 38 students (51,4%) are in the low religiosity category, and the other 36 students (48,6%) are in the high religiosity category.

Keywords: Religiosity, Students, Islamic Senior High School

Abstrak: Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Iman memiliki tujuan untuk dapat menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang Islami. Namun pendidikan yang diperoleh siswa belum tercermin dalam perilaku sehari-hari. Masih terdapat siswa di XI yang belum berperilaku sesuai dengan harapan sekolah, yaitu mengenakan pakaian tidak sesuai syariat Islam sehingga terlihat ketat atau menampakkan aurat, merokok, mencontek, memalsukan surat izin, tidak mengikuti kegiatan agama, belum melaksanakan shalat lima waktu, tidak amanah dalam pembayaran SPP, membatalkan puasa secara sengaja ditemui di sekolah tersebut. Religiusitas adalah seringnya individu melaksanakan perintah agama, ciri khas individu dalam melaksanakan agamanya, pentingnya agama bagi individu, dan penghayatan individu terhadap agamanya. (Huber&Huber, 2012). Religiusitas dibagi ke dalam 5 dimensi, intellectual dimension, ideology, public practice dimension, private practice dimension dan religious experience dimension. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh data empiris mengenai gambaran religiusitas siswa kelas XI MA Nurul Iman Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur The Centrality of Religiosity Scale dari Huber dan Huber. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini studi deskriptif dengan subjek kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Iman Bandung sebanyak 74 siswa. Berdasarkan pengolahan data, diperolah hasil 38 siswa (51.4%) termasuk dalam kategori religiusitas rendah dan 36 siswa lainnya (48.6%) termasuk dalam  kategori religiusitas tinggi.

Kata Kunci: Religiusitas, Siswa, Madrasah Aliyah


Religiusitas, Siswa, Madrasah Aliyah

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