Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Self Regulation pada Mahasiswa Gamers Game Online Dota 2 Di Warnet J dan D Bandung

Mohamad Ikhsan Dwi Putra, Hedi Wahyudi


Abstract. Internet is one of the technological advancements that are growing and can be as a medium for refreshing with one of them playing online games. This online game is entertaining and addictive. The majority of online game addict gamers are adult age range. Many of them are less able to manage the time to learn because part of their time is spent playing online games. This research is a descriptive research that aims to see and obtain data about self-regulation picture of gamers students online game in Bandung. This research is a research with the subject of research as many as 35 students online game gamers who have a GPA> 3.00. The data was collected by using a measuring instrument that was prepared by the researcher based on self regulation theory concept according to B.J.Zimmerman. The measuring instrument has 63 valid items with reliability of 0.729. Based on the results of data processing, the results obtained are 21 students online game gamers (60%) have high self regulation and as many as 14 students online gamers (40%) have low self-regulation.

Keywords : self regulation, student gamers online game


Abstrak. Internet adalah salah satu kemajuan teknologi yang sedang berkembang dan dapat sebagai media untuk refreshing dengan salah satunya bermain game online. Game online ini bersifat menghibur dan adiktif. Mayoritas gamers addict game online adalah rentang usia dewasa dini. Banyak mereka yang kurang mampu mengatur waktu belajar karena sebagian waktu mereka dihabiskan untuk bermain game online. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk melihat dan memperoleh data mengenai gambaran self regulation mahasiswa gamers game online di Kota Bandung. Peneletian ini merupakan penelitian dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 35 mahasiswa gamer game online yang memiliki IPK > 3,00. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang disusun oleh peneliti berdasarkan konsep teori self regulation menurut B.J.Zimmerman. Alat ukur terebut memiliki 63 item valid dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0,729. Berdasar hasil pengolahan data, maka didapatkan hasil yaitu sebanyak 21 mahasiswa gamer game online (60%) memiliki self regulation tinggi dan sebanyak 14 mahasiswa gamer game online (40%) memiliki self regulation rendah.

Kata kunci : self regulation, mahasiswa gamer game online


self regulation, mahasiswa gamer game online

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