putri zuhra wardatul, Endang Pudjisstuti


Abstract. The background of this research problem is the amount of class XI student of SMK Informatics Bandung get the average value of all subjects under the KKM is 75. This is caused by the lack of ability of the students in self-regulation in learning, or so-called self-regulated learning. Behaviors that students show that is not yet have a plan, have not been able to control the behavior of studying and evaluating the learning behavior in achieving academic demands in achieving optimal learning. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the relationship with the Self-Regulated Learning Achievement. The method used in this study is a correlational study involving 29 students of class XI. Data collection was self-regulated learning is done by using a measuring instrument in the form of a scale based on the concept of BJ. Zimmerman. Learning achievement using secondary data from the results of the report cards. Data processing is done with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and the obtained results using Pearson product moment correlation (rs: 0730) showed a close relationship between self-regulated learning and academic achievement. The positive correlation indicates the sense if self-regulated learning decreases the learning achievement of class XI student of SMK Informatics Bandung would be decreased.

Keywords: Self-Regulated Learning, Achievement, students of class XI, SMK Informatics Bandung


Self-Regulated Learning, Achievement, students of class XI, SMK Informatics Bandung


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Sumber-Sumber lain,

Pusat Kurikulum Badan Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2007 (http://45_Kajian Kebijakan Kurikulum SMK) diunduh pada tanggal 4 Mei 2014.


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