Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Dengan Resiliensi Pada Ibu Yang Memiliki Anak Penderita Kanker Retinoblastoma Di Rumah Cinta Kanker Bandung

Ismi Kusuma Dewi, Umar Yusuf


Abstract: Eyes are one of the most important organ for every human, with eyes human can see the world around him. If a person had a disease called Retinoblastoma Cancer, then this disease will effect to his sight to be disrupted and most likely the patient will experience blindness, if cancer cells have spread to brain and eyes were in proptosis condition (eyeball popped out from its place), then in order to take the eyeball out, a surgery should be done. The patients of eye cancer are mostly children under 5 years age, and when a child is diagnosed with Retinoblastoma Cancer, parents most likely will experience stress and pressure, especially the mother of a child, because mother is attachment figure for the child. Moreover, many unpleasant situations will make her more depressed, so she tried to adapt to all the problems, this condition called as resilience. There are factors that can  increase resilience, one of them is factor of social support. Social support can be from family, friends, and community.

The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data about correlation between social support and resilience of mother who has child with Retinoblastoma Cancer in Rumah Cinta Kanker Bandung. Data processing’s result showed rs=o,723, with α 0,004 can be concluded that there is a high corelation between social support and resilience of the mother who has child with Retinoblastoma Cancer in Rumah Cinta Kanker Bandung.




Social Support, Resilience, Rumah Cinta Kanker Bandung


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diunduh pada tanggal 5 juli 2014. diunduh pada tanggal 5 juli 2014.


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