Studi Deskriptif Psychological Well-Being pada Guru di SMA Plus Al-Ghifari Bandung

Faisal Satria Nur Rachman, Lelywati Idham Suryana


Abstract. Honorary teacher is a status that given for a teacher who has not been appointed as Civil Servants (PNS). Although there is no difference in the responsibilities, duties and authorities regardless the status, but both of them had difference payroll system. Honorary teacher will be paid in accordance with the teaching hours they did. Honorary teacher in Al-Ghifari Plus Bandung only get paid for 1-2 million rupiah per month. The employer has been late in paying their salaries for couple of months, so they must find a way to cover their basic needs. However, this situation has been addressed differently by each individual. There are teachers who react by trying to develop their potential to get out of these problems, there are also teachers that response by negatively and had a faith that they does not have the ability to get out of the predicament. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the state of psychological well-being on a high school teacher in Al-Ghifari Plus Bandung. This study is based on the concept of the theory of psychological well-being expressed by C.D. Ryff (1989). The method used in this research is descriptive method with the study of a population of 24 people. Measurement instrument was a questionnaire psychological well-being are the result of adaptation psychological well-being scales of C.D. Ryff. Retrieved valid items 36 items of 42 items are made. Data obtained in the form ordinal data. The results showed as much as 79.17% have a state of psychological well-being high, while 20.83% have a stateofpsychologicalwell-beingthatlow.


Abstrak. Guru honorer merupakan status seorang guru yang belum diangkat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Meskipun dalam tanggung jawab, tugas dan wewenang tidak memiliki perbedaan dengan guru PNS, namun kedua status tersebut berbeda dalam sistem penggajian. Guru honnorer, akan digaji sesuai dengan jam mengajar yang mereka lakukan. Itulah yang dialami guru di SMA Plus Al-Ghifari Bandung, dimana mereka hanya mendapatkan gaji 1 – 2 juta Rupiah sebulan. Gaji mereka pun terkadang terlambat dibayarkan sehingga mereka harus mencari cara untuk menutupi kebutuhannya. Namun keadaan ini disikapi berbeda-beda oleh tiap guru. Ada yang menyikapinya dengan berusaha mengembangkan potensinya untuk keluar dari masalah tersebut, ada pula yang menanggapi dengan merasa tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk keluar dari keadaan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data empirik mengenai keadaan psychological well-being pada guru di SMA Plus Al-Ghifari Bandung. Penelitian ini berdasarkan konsep teori psychological well-being yang dikemukakan oleh C.D. Ryff (1989). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan studi populasi sebanyak 24 orang. Instrumen pengukuran berupa kuesioner psychological well-being yang merupakan hasil adaptasi psychological well-being scales dari C.D. Ryff. Diperoleh item valid sebanyak 36 item dari 42 item yang dibuat. Data yang diperoleh berupa data ordinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebanyak 79,17% memiliki keadaan psychological well-being tinggi, sementara 20,83% memiliki keadaan psychological well-being yang rendah.




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UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen (Diunduh 1 April 2016)


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