Gambaran Psychological Well-Being Wanita Breast Cancer Survivor yang telah Menjalani Mastektomi di Bandung Cancer Society

Della Damayanti Darusman, Indri Utami Sumaryanti


Abstract. Breasts are one of the organs of the identity of the perfection of a woman, as a symbol of the role of the wife (ASI reproduction), as well as sexual meaning is important. This has caused great concern in women when diagnosed with breast cancer, especially faced with the choice should be surgical removal of the breast (mastectomy). Various studies suggest a negative effect on their psychological effect on the quality of life. Negative effects do not appear in the majority of breast cancer survivors who had undergone a mastectomy at Bandung Cancer Society (BCS), they still can show that they are still able to accept his situation, would establish a positive relationship with other people, capable of making their own decisions and be independent, but it does have a purpose in life, able to select and manage the environment according to their needs and to develop themselves continue to occur towards the better. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data about the description of psychological well-being in women breast cancer survivors at Bandung Cancer Society, with research 14 subjects. Measuring instruments used in the form of a questionnaire, with Likert scale items were compiled based on the theory of psychological well-being of Ryff (1989) which has been tested for validity and reliability. This instrument has a 214 item valid and reliability of the measuring instrument psychological well-being of 0.950. The results showed that 64.3% of the subjects had psychological well-being is high, while the other 35.7% of the subjects had psychological well-being that low.

Abstrak. Payudara merupakan salah satu organ yang menjadi identitas kesempurnaan seorang wanita, sebagai symbol peran istri (reproduksi ASI), serta memiliki makna seksual yang penting. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan adanya kekhawatiran yang besar pada wanita saat didiagnosis kanker payudara, terlebih lagi dihadapkan pada pilihan harus melakukan operasi pengangkatan payudara (mastektomi). Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan adanya efek negatif pada mereka secara psikis yang berpengaruh pada penurunan kualitas hidup. Berbagai efek negatif tidak mucul pada kebanyakan breast cancer survivor yang telah menjalani mastektomi di Bandung Cancer Society (BCS), mereka tetap dapat menunjukkan bahwa mereka tetap bisa menerima keadaan dirinya, mau menjalin hubungan yang positif dengan orang lain, mampu mengambil keputusan sendiri serta mandiri, tetapi memiliki tujuan hidup, mampu memilih dan mengelola lingkungan sesuai kebutuhannya serta mengembangkan diri terus menurus ke arah yang lebih baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data yang empiris tentang gambaran psychological well-being pada wanita breast cancer survivor di Bandung cancer Society, dengan subjek penelitian 14 orang. Alat ukur yang digunakan berupa kuesioner, dengan skala likert yang item-itemnya disusun berdasarkan teori psychological well-being dari Ryff (1989) yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Alat ukur ini memiliki 214 item yang valid dan reliabilitas alat ukur psychological well-being sebesar 0,950. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 64,3% subjek memiliki psychological well-being yang tinggi, sedangkan 35,7% subjek lainnya memiliki psychological well-being yang rendah.


psychological well-being, mastectomy, breast cancer survivor


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