Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Profil Kebutuhan pada Remaja Cabe-cabean di Kota Bandung

Dina Amalia, Endang Pudjiastuti


Abstract. In Indonesia since 2008 appeared an adolescent phenomenon called cabe-cabean, a group of a girl who have association in a wild race in a certain area. Cabe-cabean is a term for young women who hang out in the wild race to attract the attention of the riders to be choosen as an object racing bets (Ian Karim, 2014).  As an individual of human being, they have a various needs that need to be satisfied. There is a various needs of cabe-cabean, for attainment of self-existence, getting protection from motorcycle gang members, finding a new friends, etc. Morgan (1986), needs first appeared in a family environment. Some of these needs will demand satisfaction. The satisfaction of these needs is aimed at striking a balance (equilibrium). According to Murray, all behavior is based on the needs that exist within the individual, dissatisfaction occurs because their needs are not satisfied. It can be seen in the phenomenon of cabe-cabean.They undergoing the process of transition to adulthood with the changes that occur relatively quickly. Those changes include the physical and psychological changes. With the changes that occur, adolescents have difficulty in adapting to the backdrop of an immature emotion. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the needs of cabe-cabean in Bandung. The method used is descriptive method using a measuring instrument inventory Tests EPPS (Edward Personal Preference Schedule). The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the needs of adolescents chili-cabean in the city of Bandung. The method used is descriptive method using a measuring instrument inventory Tests EPPS (Edward Personal Preference Schedule). The results showed that the profile needs to dominate and find out are Exhibition, Autonomy, and Succorance. Profile requirement that is pressed is Order, Abasement, and Nurturance.


Abstrak. Di Indonesia sejak tahun 2008 muncul sebuah fenomena remaja yang disebut dengan remaja cabe-cabean, remaja cabe-cabean adalah sekelompok remaja wanita yang memiliki pergaulan di lingkungan balap liar di suatu wilayah tertentu. Cabe-cabean adalah sebutan bagi remaja wanita yang bergaul di lingkungan balap liar untuk menarik perhatian para pembalap untuk dipilih sebagai objek taruhan dari pembalap (Ian Karim, 2014). Remaja cabe-cabean sebagai individu memiliki kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang perlu dipuaskan. Latar belakang kebutuhan remaja cabe-cabean beragam, untuk pencapaian eksistensi diri, mendapat perlindungan dari anggota geng motor, pencarian teman baru, dll.  Menurut Morgan (1986), kebutuhan-kebutuhan pertama kali muncul pada lingkungan keluarga. Sejumlah kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut akan menuntut pemuasan. Pemuasan akan kebutuhan ini bertujuan untuk tercapainya keseimbangan (equilibrium). Menurut Murray, segala perilaku didasari oleh needs yang ada dalam diri individu, ketidakpuasan terjadi dikarenakan adanya needs yang tidak terpenuhi. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat pada fenomena remaja cabe-cabean, remaja cabe-cabean ini mengalami proses transisi menuju dewasa dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi relatif cepat. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut meliputi perubahan fisik maupun psikis. Dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi, remaja mengalami kesulitan dalam beradaptasi dengan dilatarbelakangi emosi yang belum matang.



Profile Needs, Youth Cabe-cabean.


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