Hubungan Antara Persepsi Terhadap Peran Teman Sebaya dengan Juvenile Delinquency Dalam Status Offenses Pada Siswa Laki-laki Kelas VIII SMP Plus Al-Ghifari Bandung

Melly Silmiyaty Ismail, Endang Supraptiningsih


Abstract. In SMP Plus al-Ghifari Bandung there's alsostudents who display behavior that violates its status as a student  that is behavior violates the rules set by the school.Behavior violates the rules of the studentrelatedwithmeaning students on the role of peers is problematic.Based on this phenomenon,the formulation of the problem in this research is how closely the relationship between perceptions of the role of peers with juvenile delinquency in status offenses in male students of class VIII SMP Plus al-Ghifari Bandung. The purpose of this studyto obtain empirical data and knowing how closely the relationship between perceptions of the role of peers with juvenile delinquency in status offenses in male students of class VIII SMP Plus al-Ghifari Bandung. The method used is correlational.This research is the population with the number of students as many as 32 people.Measuring instrument used to measure the role of peers in the form of a questionnaire designed by researchersbased on the theory Shaffer (2008) and juvenile delinquency in the status of offenses based on the theory Santrock (2003) and adapted based on the condition of the school SMP Plus al-Ghifari Bandung.The results of this study were obtained correlation coefficient of 0.716, indicates that there is a positive relationship with a high degree of correlationbetween the role of peers with juvenile delinquency in status offenses in male students of class VIII SMP Plus al-Ghifari Bandung.


Role of Peer, Juvenile Delinquency in the Status Offenses, Junior High School Students


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