Comparative study of self concept of senior and junior members in Cosplay Community in Bandung city.

Gilang Aditya Pratama, Agus Sofyandi Kahfi


Individual self concept  is influenced by internal and external factors. Family environment is the first environment in building self concept. The role of social and group environment also provide contribution in its development. Basically, individual self concept is built by means of interaction process, organization and experience. Cosplay community is a community whose members are fond of make-up and dressed like his idols from movies or animations. They pretend to be their idols. However, some junior members show negative self concept on themselves, impotence over bullying, physical rejection, and social interaction.  The objective of this study is to describe the difference between senior members and junior members self concept. The resluts show that junior members have negative self concept and senior members have positive self concept. This is a comparative study with 29 people as the sample of research population. Based on theory of self acceptance by Fitts (1971) that self concept is the self that is seen, perceived, experienced by an individual by using the instrument of Tennessee Self Concept Scale (TSCS). The results show that seniors have more positive self concept than juniors.


Self concept, cosplay, fits.


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