Descriptive study of smoking intention on medical students of Bandung Islamic Univesity.

Kania Rafinda Budiono, Suhana Suhana Suhana


Latest survey shows that the number of medical staffs smokers contiously arisen year by year. The rise is not only on senior medical professionals but also on medical students. Based on the data of Global Health Proffesion Student Survey (GHPSS) year 2013, the number of medical students smokers is contiously increased about 10% than years before. In the survey show that medical students have not willing to stop smoking. The focus of this research is to describe smoking behaviour of medical students in UNISBA. Based on the interview with some medical students that they maintain to smoke eventhhough they know the danger of smoking, and many people insist them to stop smoking. The objective of the study is to describe smoking intention on medical students of unisba and its determinants on building smoking intention. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire arranged based on theory of planned behavior. This is a descriptive and regressional study. The results show that 83,33% of medical students in UNISBA have high intention to smoke. The intention is formed by the three determinants variables; attitude toward behaviour, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Those three variables provide contribution in forming the intention about 71,2%. And 28,8% of variables are formed by other determinants outside the research variables.


intention, smoking behavior, healthcare provider, theory of planned behavior


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