A study of children well-being domains on 10 years old charitable institution children in Al-Aisyiyah Foundation Cianjur regency

Annisa Rastriani Resmi, Farida Coralia


Al-aisyiyah charitable institution foundation is a foundation built by government with full facilities where the children are put in cottage. There is a self development activity guided by psychologist, all their needs and expenses are satiable. And yet there are some of the children feel abandoned and become silent, inconfident, and do something bad such as aggressive behavior, easy to be offended and so forth that make them disappreciate themselves. And yet some children in this charitable institution grow and  and develop into confident, autonomous competitive children with the childen who parents. They say they are happy and and satisfied and friends to coeval friends in their school. Tthe objective of this study is to describe children well-being domians of 10 years old children in Al-Aisyiyah charitable institution foundation Cianjur. Theory of children welll-being is generated from the theory of Diener’s Subjective well being. The method used is descriptive study with 12 children as the sample of reseach population. Children well-being instrument is constructed from Diener’s tehory and modified by UNICEF. the results show that the very satisfaying domains is about 69,1% in school domain, and the very unsatisfaying domain is health domain in about 32,3%.


Children well-being domain, charitable institution children, 10 years old children.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.3001

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