A study of husbands ’ marriage satisfaction whose wives are woman workers (TKW) in Bogor Village Indramayu.

Anggun Vrismaya, Farida Coralia


Long distance marriage causes many marriage problems. Some needs are insatiable in long distance marriage such as sexual need and spending time together need. This is related to related to marriage satisfaction problems. However, some husbands whose wives are woman worker (TKW) in Bogor village can feel satisfied. Nonetheless,  some of their needs are not fulfilled. This is because the husbands make some efforts to maintain their marriage of satisfying some aspects of marriage. The objective of this research is to describe about marriage satisfaction of husbands whose wife are women workers in Bogor Village Indramayu. This is a descriptive study with 52 husbands whose wives are women workers (TKW) in Bogor village Indramayu. The instrument used is ENRICH Marital satisfaction (Fowers & Olson 1989). The results show that  55,7% of husbands have marriage satisfaction and 44,3 % of husbands have low marriage satisfaction.


Marriage satisfaction, long distance marriage, husbands with wives are the women worker (TKW)


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2983

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