Contribution of attitude toward behaviour, subjective norm and perceived behaviour control to intention to stop smoking on Jantung Sehat Community Bandung.

Sandy Robi Isharyanto, Ali Mubarak


Healthy behaviour is not popular in society nowadays. There some people consume illegal drugs, alcoholic liquors, smoking. This research fouses on smoking negative impacts. In regard with this case, there is a community works with health especially hearth and it is usually called Jantung Sehat Community P2TEL. There are some members of the community who smoke  and try to stop smoking. The objective of this study is to the most dominant determinant to the intention to stop smoking on Jantung Sehat community P2TEL Bandung. The method used is contribution study with 42 smokers in Jantung Sehat Community P2TEL. The instrument used in data collection is a questionnaire about  attitude, subjective norm, perception to behaviour control and intention accord with theory of Icek Ajzen. The results show that some respondents have strong intention to stop smoking 80,7%. The strengh and the weakness of intention are influenced by intention determnant, attitude perception (0,166), to behaviour control (0,518) and subjective norm (0,287). The three determinants influence the intention to stop smoking in Jantung Sehat community P2TEL. The most influential determinant  to the intention to stop smoking is perception to behavior control, it means that smokers can quit smoking for the sake of significant person such as spouse, children, non-smoker friends and have a chance to quit smoking.


Intention, determination, stop smoking`


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