Correlation between academic adaptation and learning achievement on students of class 4 and 5 in (elementary schools) Haurpancuh Bandung.

Indria Jayanti, Lisa Widawati


A Civil elementary school of Haurpancuh Bandung is a civil elementary school located in Bandung which implement curriculum 2013. During the implementation, students experience learning achievement derivation, homeworks are done in the classroom, are not paying attention to teacher’s explanation. Randomly answer the questions from their teacher. The objective of this study is to describe the correlation between academic adaptation and learning achievement to improve students learning process by time management, learning strategies, preparation to face examinations, students career preparation of SDN haurpancuh Bandung. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about the correlation between academic adaptation and students learning achievement of 4th and 5th grade students  in SDN Haurpancuh Bandung. The method used is correlation with 64 students as the sample of research population. The instrument used to data collection is a questionnaire and students score in their report books in 2 semesters. The data obtained are ordinal data and spearman correlation computation test. The results show that there is a score of r = 0.531 correlation between academic adaptation and students learning achievement. It means that there is a tight correlation between academic adaptation and students learning achievement of 4th and 5th grade students in Haurpancuh Bandung.


Academic adaptation, learning achievement, curriculum 2013.


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