Studi Deskriptif Self-Compassion Pada Korban Cyberbullying Di Kota Bandung

Tanti Dwi Lestari, Lilim Halimah


Abstract. Cyberbullying often occurs among young people, especially emerging adulthood. Victims of cyberbullying will experience a negative impact on themselves. Because of this, the victim must have the ability to adapt adaptive coping strategies in overcoming his downturn with Self Compassion. The purpose of this study was to find out how the description of Self Compassion on Cyberbullying victims in the city of Bandung. The research method used is descriptive method with a sample of 100 cyberbullying victims in the city of Bandung which were selected through convenience sampling. This study uses a questionnaire data collection technique with the measuring instrument used is the Self Compassion Scale from Kristin Neff. The findings are that 43% of victims of cyberbullying have high self-compassion with three components, namely self-kindness, common humanity, and high mindfulness. Meanwhile, victims of cyberbullying with low self-compassion 57% have low categories in the components of self kindness, common humanity and mindfulness. Gender and age are factors that affect self-compassion.

Keywords: Victims of cyberbullying, self-compassion, emerging adulthood.

Abstrak—Cyberbullying  sering terjadi di kalangan muda, khususnya emerging adulthood. Korban cyberbullying akan mengalami dampak yang negatif  bagi dirinya. Karena hal tersebut maka korban harus memiliki kemampuan strategi coping adaptif dalam mengatasi kondisi terpuruknya dengan Self Compassion. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran Self Compassion pada korban Cyberbullying di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan jumlah sampel 100 korban cyberbullying di Kota Bandung yang dipilih melalui convenience sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan data kuesioner dengan alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Self Compassion Scale dari Kristin Neff. Hasil temuannya adalah 43% korban cyberbullying memiliki self compassion tinggi dengan ketiga komponen pembentuk yaitu self kindness, common humanity, dan mindfullness yang tinggi. Sedangkan korban cyberbullying dengan self compassion rendah 57% memiliki kategori rendah pada komponen self kindness, common humanity dan mindfulness. Jenis kelamin dan usia merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi self compassion.

Kata kunci : Korban Cyberbullying, Self Compassion, Emerging Adulthood


Korban Cyberbullying, Self Compassion, Emerging Adulthood

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