Pengaruh Perundungan Terhadap Subjective Well Being Pada Anak dan Remaja Di PAnti Asuhan

Shofiyyah Shofiyyah, Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo


Abstract. This study aims to explain the effect of bullying on the subjective well-being of children and adolescent in orphanages. Respondents in this study (N = 303, female = 59.4% and male = 40.6%) were children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years old in Bandung City Orphanage. Data were taken using cluster random sampling. Bullying was measured using a measuring tool designed by Children's Worlds. Subjective well-being was measured using the Children's Worlds Subjective Well Being Scale (CW-SWBS). Generally boys in the orphanage experienced more physical and verbal bullying, children in elementary school age group experienced physical bullying more than three times, and children in junior high school age group experienced physical bullying two or three times in frequency. Children in middle and high school age groups were more likely to experience verbal bullying. Verbal bullying was common in orphanages. Boys had higher SWB than girls. Respondents who experienced bullying had higher SWB and the younger the respondent, respondents who experienced bullying and younger in age had higher SWB. In this study, there was no significant effect between bullying and SWB by gender and there was a significant effect between age group and SWB. Although the number of bullying at the orphanage was relatively low, the foster parents expected to be aware of bullying at the orphanage and give more attention to the children so that cases of bullying at the orphanage will not increase.

Keywords: Children, Residential Care, Bullying, Adolescent, Subjective Well-Being

Abstrak. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh perundungan terhadap subjective well being anak dan remaja di Panti asuhan. Responden dalam penelitian ini (N = 303, perempuan =  59.4% dan laki-laki = 40.6%) adalah anak dan remaja berusia 10 sampai 18 tahun di Panti asuhan Kota Bandung. Data diambil menggunakan cluster random sampling. Perundungan diukur menggunakan alat ukur yang di design oleh Children’s Worlds. Subjective well being diukur menggunakan Children’s Worlds Subjective Well Being Scale (CW-SWBS). Secara keseluruhan anak laki-laki melaporkan lebih sering mengalami perundungan fisik dan verbal, pada kelompok usia SD lebih sering mengalami perundungan fisik dengan frekuensi lebih dari tiga kali dan SMP lebih sering mengalami perundungan fisik dengan frekuensi dua atau tiga kali. Pada kelompok usia SMP dan SMA lebih sering mengalami perundungan verbal. Perundungan verbal lebih banyak terjadi di Panti Asuhan. Anak laki-laki memiliki SWB yang lebih tinggi di bandingkan anak perempuan. Responden yang mengalami perundungan memiliki SWB yang lebih tinggi dan  semakin muda usia responden maka semakin SWB. Pada penelitian ini tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara perundungan dengan SWB berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kelompok usia. Meskipun angka perundungan di Panti Asuhan terbilang rendah, namun diharapkan kepada orangtua asuh sadar akan adanya perundungan di Panti asuhan dan memberikan perhatian lebih agar kasus perundungan di Panti Asuhan tidak meningkat.

Kata Kunci: Anak, Panti Asuhan, Perundungan, Remaja, Subjective Wellâ€Being


Anak, Panti Asuhan, Perundungan, Remaja, Subjective Well‐Being

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