Persepsi Didengarkan Secara Adekuat Terhadap Subjective Well-Being Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

Fadella Yasandhi Hartita, Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo


Abstract. Being adequately heard is one of the predictors of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) for children and adolescents. This study aims to explain the contribution of the perception of being adequately heard and SWB across children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants of this study (N = 3,115; 53.4% girls and 45.75% boys) were children and adolescents aged 10-18 years in Indonesia. The sampling technique that used in this study was convenience sampling. Linear regression analysis was used to examine the contribution of the perception of being heard adequately to SWB. Perception of being adequately heard was measured using the Children's Worlds measure. SWB was measured using the Children's Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale (CW-SWBS). The perception of being adequately heard by parents (β = .233; p < .01) contributed significantly positive to SWB. Boys (M = 66.43; SD = 29.49) perceive that their parents listen to them more adequately than girls (M = 58.47; SD = 58.47). An important topic to be heard for children and adolescents is about their worried. Girls reported that they was more worried about their family (M = 61.74; SD = 27.90) than boys (M = 47.87; SD = 29.23). Boys (M = 71.5; SD = 23.29) reported significantly higher mean SWB scores than girls (M = 68.25; SD = 24.7). It is suggested that parents should be more listen to their child adequately.

Keywords: COVID-19, Perceptions of being heard, Subjective Well-Being.

Abstrak. Didengarkan secara adekuat merupakan salah satu prediktor subjective well-being (SWB) anak dan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan kontribusi persepsi didengarkan secara adekuat terhadap SWB anak dan remaja di masa pandemi COVID-19. Partisipan penelitian ini (N = 3,115; 53.4% perempuan dan 45.75% laki-laki) adalah anak dan remaja berusia 10-18 tahun di wilayah Indonesia. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling. Analisis regresi linear digunakan untuk menguji kontribusi persepsi didengarkan secara adekuat terhadap SWB. Persepsi didengarkan secara adekuat diukur menggunakan alat ukur dari Children’s Worlds. SWB diukur menggunakan Children's Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale (CW-SWBS). Persepsi didengarkan secara adekuat oleh orang tua (β = .233; p < .01) berkontribusi positif secara signifikan terhadap SWB. Anak dan remaja laki-laki (M = 66.43; SD = 29.49) mempersepsi bahwa orang tua lebih mendengarkan mereka secara adekuat dibandingkan anak dan remaja perempuan (M = 58.47; SD = 58.47). Topik penting bagi anak dan remaja untuk didengarkan oleh orang tua adalah kekhawatiran. Anak dan remaja perempuan melaporkan bahwa mereka lebih khawatir mengenai keluarganya (M = 61.74; SD = 27.90) dibandingkan anak dan remaja laki-laki (M = 47.87; SD = 29.23). Anak dan remaja laki-laki (M = 71.5; SD = 23.29) melaporkan nilai SWB yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak dan remaja perempuan (M = 68.25; SD = 24.7). Ini menunjukkan orang tua perlu mendengarkan anak dan remaja secara adekuat.

Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Persepsi didengarkan, Subjective Well-Being


COVID-19, Persepsi didengarkan, Subjective Well-Being

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