Correlation between self esteem and self regulated learning on IX grade students in SMP X Bandung (a study on students who have big five of grade ranking)

Ridha Rizki Pratiwi, Yuli Aslamawati


SMP X Bandung is a private school managed by PGRI and it is accredited A in subdistrict Buahbatu Bandung. Nearly 60% students of SMP X have low academic achievement and break school regulation such as smoking, being absent without permission, saying something rude, bringing motor vehicle and alcoholic liquors. Students’ social-economy background and their parents’ education is low. Nevertheless, not all students break school rules and have low academic achievement. Some students show good behaviour such as comepleting school assignment ontime, acting up to school regulation, and having good academic achievement from the first year of the school. Based on the interview, they can maintain their academic achievement because of their parents support. The efforts they did to maintain their academic achievement are doing homeworks ontime, evaluating their scores from time to time, making time to discuss a hard task, reading books to solve a hard task. The results show that the students have high self esteem  and self regulated leaarning. The objective of the study to find out the realtionship between self esteem and self regulated learning on students who have big five of grade ranking in class IX in SMP X Bandung. The method used is correlational study with 25 students of cass IX who have big five of grade ranking as the sample. The instruments used are self esteem questionnaire of Christopher J Mruk theory (2006) and self regulated learning questionnaire of Zimmerman theory (1989). The results show that they have Rs= 0,701 based on Guilford table, it means that their self esteem and self regulated learning have high correlation. It can be conluded that there is a tight relationship between self relationship and self regulated learning on students who have big five of grade ranking in class IX in SMP X Bandung.


Self Esteem, self Regulated learning, teeneger.


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