Pengaruh Perceived Social Support terhadap Adherence Pasien TB-MDR yang Didampingi Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang di Puskesmas Se-Kota Bandung

Shabrina Dwitra Sistiana, Hendro Prakoso


Abstract. TB-MDR is TB that does not respond to at least isoniazid and rifampicin which are the two most powerful anti tuberculosis drug, thus requiring the second-line anti tuberculosis drug medication. TB-MDR has a treatment regimen that is difficult and more complex than conventional TB treatment. TB-MDR patients who were accompanied by Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang showed high level of adherence. Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang is a former TB-MDR patient who has recovered, who provides assistance in the form of counseling, information, and education to TB-MDR patients. This research was conducted to determine the effect of perceived social support on the adherence of TB-MDR patients who were accompanied by Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang in Puskesmas throughout Bandung City. The theoretical concept used in this study are perceived social support by Sarafino and adherence by Sarafino. The study was conducted on 25 TB-MDR patients. Data retrieval of perceived social support using instrument of 25 items which was developed by researcher based on Sarafino’s theory. Data retrieval of adherence using Morisky’s 8 items MMAS-8 which was adapted by the researcher. The data analysis of this research was using multiple regression with the SPSS 23.0 program. The results showed that perceived social support had an effect of 86,3% on the adherence of TB-MDR patients who were accompanied by Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang.

Keywords: perceived social support, peer educator, adherence, TB-MDR

Abstrak. TB-MDR adalah TB yang resisten terhadap isoniazid dan rifampicin yang merupakan dua Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) yang paling kuat, sehingga mengharuskan lanjut ke obat anti tuberkulosis lini 2. TB-MDR memiliki regimen pengobatan yang lebih berat dan kompleks dibandingkan pengobatan TB biasa. Pasien TB-MDR yang didampingi Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang menunjukan tingkat kepatuhan yang tinggi. Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang merupakan mantan pasien TB-MDR yang sudah sembuh, yang memberikan pendampingan berupa konseling, informasi, dan edukasi kepada pasien TB-MDR. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perceived social support terhadap adherence Pasien TB-MDR yang didampingi Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang di Puskesmas se-Kota Bandung. Konsep teori yang digunakan adalah teori perceived social support dan adherence Sarafino. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 25 pasien TB-MDR. Pengambilan data perceived social support menggunakan alat ukur berjumlah 25 item yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti berdasarkan teori Sarafino. Pengambilan data variable adherence menggunakan alat ukur MMAS-8 berjumlah 8 item milik Morisky yang diadaptasi peneliti. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan perhitungan regresi berganda dengan program SPSS 23.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived social support memiliki pengaruh sebesar 86,3% terhadap adherence pasien TB-MDR yang didampingi Peer Educator Yayasan Terjang.

Kata Kunci: perceived social support, peer educator, adherence, TB-MDR


perceived social support, peer educator, adherence, TB-MDR

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