Pengaruh Perceived Organizational Support terhadap Work Engagement pada Karyawan Marketing di PT. Len Industri

Mardiyatussalma Rohaeti Jaya, Hendro Prakoso, Vici Sofiana Putera


Abstract—  The importance of work engagement in contributing significantly to organizations in reducing turnover, enhancing the company's financial position and determining the success of the organization. Support from organizations in the form of fairness to employee contributions, support from supervisor and rewards and job conditions can improve employee work engagement. This research aims to see how much impact of perceived organizational support on work engagement towards 21 marketing employees at PT. Len Industri, using quantitative methods and multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of the study showed a significance of 0.000 < 0.05, so perceived organizational support had a significant influence on work engagement. Fairness has a P-value = 0.003 and the Support supervisor has  P-value = 0.003 so it has a significant effect on work engagement, While the organization reward and job condition has p-value = 0,148 mean that the aspect of the organization reward and job condition has no significant effect on the work engagement.


Keywords— Perceived Organizational Support , Work Engagement, Marketing Employees.



Perceived Organizational Support , Work Engagement, Karyawan Marketing.

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