Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Adiksi Internet pada Siswa Kelas V dan VI SD Di Kota Bandung

Muhammad Desya Rijaluddin, Sulisworo Kusdiyati


Abstract— The research aim to analyze the influence of permissive, authoritarian and authoritative parenting style on student  Class V and VI Elementary School internet addiction in Bandung City, Indonesia. Causality research is used to analyze the influence of independent variable on dependent variable, which is completed by  survey method. Questionaire, Interview, observation and documentation data collection technique are used. 73.087 student  Class V and VI Elementary School internet addiction in Bandung City are population which is represented by 114 samples. Proportionale stratified random sampling is used to take the samples on Elementary School District as a stratum. Descriptive statistics is used to analyze the respondent characteristic and Inferential statistic is used to analyze the hypothesis. Hypothesis test shows that regression model is significant to use, parenting style is influencing on students class V and VI Elementary School internet addiction in Bandung City significantly. Permissive style is influencing positively on internet addiction, which is 26,2% contribution to the dependent variable. Authoritarian style is influencing positively on internet addiction, which is 1% contribution to the dependent variable. Authoritative style is influencing negatively on internet addiction, which is 29,8% to the dependent variable.

Keywords— Parenting style, permissive, authoritarian, authoritative, internet addiction


Pola asuh orang tua, permissive, authoritarian, authoritative, adiksi internet

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