Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kecemasan pada Siswa SMP Korban Perundungan

Putri Purwasari Rahmat, Umar Yusuf Supriatna


Abstract— Abstract— Bullying is a very serious thing and it is rife in schools. Bullying has a bad impacts to the victims. One of them is anxiety. One of the factors that can reduce anxiety is family support (Stuart & Sundeen, 1998). With family support, it can create a feeling of comfort and security and calm so that students become better prepared to deal with problems. (Stuart & Sundeen, 1998; Prabowo & Sihombing, 2010). This study uses a quantitative approach with a correlation research design. The measuring instrument used is the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) measurement tool from Hamilton and the Multimetional scale of perceived social support from Zimet to measure family support. The population of this study were 100,435 junior high school students and the sample in this study were 235 students who were victims of bullying. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The analysis technique used is the Spearman correlation analysis. The results showed that there was a strong and significant negative relationship between family support and anxiety among bullied Junior High School students in Bandung city with a correlation of value - 0.668.

Keywords—Family Support, Anxiety, Bullying, Bandung


Dukungan Keluarga, Kecemasan, Perundungan, Kota Bandung

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.24462

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