Pengaruh Shopping Lifestyle terhadap Online Impulsive Buying pada Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Bandung

Muthia Della Monica, Eni Nuraeni Nugrahawati, Dinda Dwarawati


Abstract----The rapid development of technology has made online shopping sites increasingly popular, coupled with the many attractive offers from various brands and online stores through advertisements on social media. The presence of the younger generation, especially students who spend their time on the internet and social media, was welcomed positively because before buying, students were actively seeking information through social media. Unisba students choose to spend their spare time to open types of social media online shopping. The offer and convenience of online shopping make Unisba students shop without planning, and this spontaneously called impulsive buying contradicts the task of early adult development, namely critical thinking and being able to act quickly and precisely according to planning. This study is to determine whether there is an effect of shopping lifestyle on impulsive buying. Including the type of causal research with quantitative methods. The sample in this study were 386 students of the Islamic University of Bandung who were obtained through Slovin calculations who had met the criteria for impulsive buying. Using a shopping lifestyle scale measuring tool adapted by Arista Kusumaningsih (2017) based on the shopping lifestyle theory from Cobb and Hoyer (1986). Meanwhile, the measuring instrument for impulsive buying uses a scale of the impulsive buying tendency that has been adapted by Astrid Gisela Herabadi (2003). The data obtained are in the form of interval data and data processing using simple linear regression test. Based on the results of data processing, it was obtained that R = 0.383 with R square = 0.147, which means that there is a small influence between shopping lifestyle and impulsive buying.

Keywords----shopping lifestyle, online impulsive buying, college student.


shopping lifestyle, online impulsive buying, mahasiswa

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