Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Perilaku Prososial pada Siswa SMA di Kota Bandung

Filiani Retno Noor Aisyi, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer


Abstract— High school students are able to achieve responsible social behavior, one of which is to behave prosocial. Prosocial behavior is behavior that is intended to provide benefits to others (Carlo & Randall, 2002). However, it was found that prosocial behavior decreased, especially in high school students, where there was still a lack of desire for students to help others, even though these students knew the feelings felt by people who needed help or had sufficient emotional intelligence. Where by having emotional intelligence students will be able to be socially responsible (Salovey, P., et., Al., 2001). The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and prosocial behavior in high school students in Bandung. The research method used is correlational. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling with a total of 383 high school students in Bandung. The measuring instruments used are The Assesing Emotion Scale by Schutte (2009) to measure emotional intelligence and Prosocial Tendecies Measures by Carlo & Randall (2003) to measure prosocial behavior. This study uses the Spearman Rank correlation analysis technique. The resulting correlation value is 0.530 and the p-value (Sig.) = 0.000 <α = 0.05. The results of this study indicate a moderate relationship between emotional intelligence and prosocial behavior in high school students in Bandung. A positive value on the correlation indicates that the higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the prosocial behavior.

Keywords—Emotional Intelligence, High School Student, Prosocial Behavior.


Kecerdasan Emosional, Perilaku Prososial, Siswa SMA

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