Hubungan Academic Self Efficacy dengan Academic Burnout pada Mahasiswa di Kota Bandung

Farah Khansa, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer


Abstract—Students who are studying at higher education will be faced with various pressures and demands both academically and non-academically. Students who cannot handle the pressures and demands properly will cause them to be more susceptible to academic burnout which will affect their academic performance and personal lives. One of the factors that can prevent students from academic burnout is adequate academic self-efficacy. Academic self-efficacy determines the amount of effort, resilience, and emotional reactions of students when facing academic challenges. This study aims to identify the correlation of academic self-efficacy to academic burnout, and the level amount of academic self-efficacy and academic burnout of university students in Bandung. The data were collected using Academic Self-Efficacy Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey. 400 university students from 8 universities in Bandung agreed to participate, that was sorted out with cluster random sampling. This research was designed using a correlational method with a quantitative approach. The analysis was carried out with the Rank Spearman statistics test. The results showed a moderate and negative significant correlation between academic self-efficacy and academic burnout among university students in Bandung with a coefficient correlation -0.585.

Keywords: University Students, Academic Burnout, Academic Self-Efficacy


Mahasiswa, Academic burnout, Academic self efficacy.

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