Pengaruh Child Maltreatment terhadap Attachment Style pada Korban Kekerasan oleh Pasangan

Yulistiani Pramudita Yuliarso, Indri Utami Sumaryanti


Abstract—Violence against wife is one of the most problem which mostly happen in Indonesia. People whose insecure in attachment are vulnerable for being a victim of violence by a partner.    Attachment has a role of how people communicate with others, self-regulation, and adapting. Attachment style while as a child will tend to be the same as an adult. People who experienced child maltreatment has inscure attachment. The purpose of this research is to find the effect of child maltreatment to attachment style. There are 22 participants. The instruments are Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) which had been translated by Alsarhi, Prevoo, Alink, Mesman, & Judi (2018) and Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ) which had been translated by Fitriana & Fitria (2016). Snowball is used for sampling. Multiple regression analysis shows that child maltreatment doesn’t has effect of attachment style.


Key word: Child Maltreatment, Attachment Style, Violence by Partner


Child Maltreatment, Attachment Style, Korban Kekerasan oleh Pasangan

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