Hubungan antara Sensation Seeking dan Adiksi Game Online di Indonesia, The Relationship Between Sensation Seeking and Online Game Addiction in Indonesia

Galih Hidayat, Indri Utami Sumaryanti


Abstract. The development of online games today is so fast, gaming can be used in various platforms both on Consoles,  Personal Computers,  and on  mobile with  various genre.  Playing game online done continuously and over and over again, will lead to addiction. Online games provide a diverse experience, games also provide quick rewards for the players. Thesensory experience provide the diverse game spurs the adrenaline to become active so that with the tension they feel will bring satisfaction and happiness. Thesensory experience provided by the games spurs the adrenaline to become active so that with the tension they feel will bring satisfaction and happiness. So this activity is repeated by sensation seekers. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between sensation seeking and online game addiction in Indonesia. Correlational quantitative methods were used in this study. The population in the study was 111 gamers who were younger based on the results of criteria from Lemmens (2009). Purpossive sampling was used in this study. The measurement using sensation seeking scale Mallet & Vignoli (2007) with online games addiction Lemmens (2009). Data analysis uses spearman correlation coefficient. The results showed that there is a strong positive relationship with a correlation value of 0.3 and a significant value between sensation seeking and online gaming addiction in Indonesia.


Keywords : Sensation Seeking, Addiction, Online Games.


Abstrak. Perkembangan game online pada masa sekarang ini sangat pesat, bermain game bisa digunakan dalam berbagai platform baik pada Konsol, Komputer Pribadi, maupun pada mobile dengan berbagai aliran game. Bermain game online yang dilakukan secara terus menerus dan berulang-ulang, akan menyebabkan kecanduan. Game online memberikan pengalaman yang beragam, game juga memberikan reward yang cepat bagi pemainnya. Pengalaman sensorik yang diberikan game yang beragam tersebut memacu adrenalin menjadi aktif sehingga dengan ketegangan yang mereka rasakan akan mendatangkan rasa puas dan bahagia. Sehingga hal ini kemudian dilakukan berulang oleh para sensation seekers. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sensation seeking dan kecanduan game online di Indonesia. Metode kuantitatif korelasional digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah 111 gamers yang adiksi berdasarkan hasil kriteria dari Lemmens (2009). Purpossive sampling digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan skala sensation seeking Mallet & Vignoli (2007) dengan kecanduan game online Lemmens (2009). Analisis data menggunakan koefisien korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif yang cukup kuat dengan nilai korelasi 0,3 dan nilai signifikan antara sensation seeking dengan kecanduan game online di Indonesia.

Kata Kunci : Sensation Seeking, Adiksi, Game Online.



Sensation Seeking, Adiksi, Game Online.

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