sychological image of well-Being on Odha stadium IV in LSM (social and society institution) Rumah Cemara Bandung.

Marina Savira, Agus Budiman


AIDS is a syndrome attacks immune system of human caused by HIV. There have not been found any medicine or vaccine that can kill HIV or to cure AIDS. The previous reason and social stigma from society influence psychological well-being ODHA. There are some LSM (social and society institution) that provide information about danger, prevention, and treatment of HIV/AIDS. One of them is Rumah Cemara Bandung. The ODHA patients of LSM Rumah Cemara Bandung show high chonological well-being. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about psychological well-being ODHA in LSMM Rumah Cemara Bandung. The method used is desriptive study with 29 ODHA patients in 4th stage of a disease as the sample in Teratai Clinic RSHS Bandung on the help of LSM Rumah Cemara Bandung. Data collection is psychological well-being questionnaire with 41 questions adapted from Ryff Scales of psychological Well-Being of C.D Ryff theory. The results show that 62,07 % ODHA stadium IV have low psychological well-being and 37,93 % ODHA stadium IV have high psychological well-being, it means there are more ODHA patients stadium IV in LSM Rumah Cemara Bandung who feel unable to accept themselves, unable to relate positively withh other people, are unindependent, having difficulty to handle their environments, not having clear goal of their lives, and stagnant.


Psychologically well-Being, ODHA, LSM Rumah Cemara Bandung.


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