Hubungan Work Family Conflict dengan Kepuasan Pernikahan pada Ibu yang Bekerja

Gitarani Sofia, Muhammad Ilmi Hatta


Abstract. Nowadays, it is normal for women to participate in the work. For women who are married, participation in the work can lead to conflicting roles between work and family roles so that the fulfillment of one role can interfere with the other's roles. This situation is known as work family conflict (Carlson, Kackmar, and Williams, 2000). Amstad et al., (2011) stated that mothers who work with a high level of work family conflict will reduce their marital satisfaction. This study aims to see the relationship between work family conflict and marital satisfaction among mothers who work in 5-star hotels in Bandung. The research data were obtained from a work family conflict measuring tool compiled by Carlson, Kackmar, and Williams, and ENRICH (evaluation and nurturing relationship issues, communication and happiness) Marital Satisfaction Scale (EMS) developed by Olson and Fowers, which was distributed to 133 working mothers in a 5-star hotel in Bandung. This study uses correlational quantitative methods and uses a total population study. The data were analyzed using the Spearman correlation test, and the result showed a significant relationship between work family conflict and marriage satisfaction among working mothers in 5-star hotels in Bandung. The correlation coefficient value is negative at -0.460, which indicates a moderate and opposite correlation.

Keywords: Work-Family Conflict, Marital Satisfaction, Working Mothers

Abstrak. Pada dewasa ini, wanita yang berpartisipasi di dalam dunia kerja sudah menjadi hal yang wajar. Bagi wanita yang sudah berkeluarga, partisipasi dalam dunia kerja dapat menyebabkan tuntutan peran yang bertentangan antara peran pekerjaan dan keluarga sehingga pemenuhan tuntutan satu di antara peran dapat menganggu peran yang lain. Keadaan tersebut disebut sebagai work family conflict (Carlson, Kackmar, dan Williams, 2000). Amstad et al., (2011) menyatakan, ibu yang bekerja dengan tingkat work family conflict yang tinggi akan menurunkan kepuasan pernikahannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan work family conflict dengan kepuasan pernikahan pada ibu yang bekerja di hotel berbintang-5 di Bandung. Data penelitian diperoleh dari alat ukur work family conflict yang disusun oleh Carlson, Kackmar, dan Williams, dan ENRICH (evaluation and nurturing relationship issues, communication and happiness) Marital Satisfaction Scale (EMS) yang dikembangkan oleh Olson dan Fowers, yang disebarkan kepada 133 orang ibu yang bekerja di hotel berbintang-5 di Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasional dan menggunakan total population study. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi spearman, dan menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara work family conflict dengan kepuasan pernikahan pada ibu bekerja di hotel berbintang-5 di Bandung. Nilai koefisien korelasi bernilai negatif sebesar -0,460, yang menunjukan korelasi yang moderat dan berlawanan arah.

Kata Kunci: Work-Family Conflict, Kepuasan Pernikahan, Ibu Bekerja.


Work-Family Conflict, Kepuasan Pernikahan, Ibu Bekerja.

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