Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Smoker Identity Mahasiswi Perokok di Kota Bandung

Cici Nurul Adinda Putri, Stephani Raihana Hamdan


Abstract. The dangers of smoking are very threatening to health, especially for women because they are 25% more likely to be affected by smoking than men. According to data obtained from all female smokers, the highest is among female students. Based on the results of observations, there are still many female students who smoke which are often found in cafes and in the environment around campus. Based on the results of interviews with several female smoking students, it was found that they themselves knew the dangers of smoking, but they themselves were active smokers who also often hid their smoking identities, so it was necessary to know the Smoker Identity of female students in Bandung. The theory used in this research is the smoker identity theory (Dupont, P., et al. 2015). This research uses a descriptive study approach. Quantitative data collection was carried out on 100 female students in Bandung using a questionnaire based on the smoker identity theory (Dupont, P., et al. 2015). The results obtained are the most Smoker Identity in the weak category as much as 50%.

Keywords: Bandung, college student, Smoker Identity

Abstark. Bahaya rokok sangat mengancam kesehatan terlebih pada perempuan karena lebih berisiko 25% terkena dampak rokok di banding pria. Menurut data yang diperoleh dari kesuluruhan perokok wanita, yang tertinggi adalah dari kalangan mahasiswi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi masih banyak mahasiswi yang merokok yang sering ditemui di cafe-cafe maupun di lingkungan sekitar kampus. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan beberapa mahasiswi perokok, didapatkan hasil bahwa mereka sendiri mengetahui bahaya dari rokok, namun mereka sendiri merupakan perokok aktif yang juga sering menyembunyikan identitas merokoknya, sehingga perlu mengetahui Smoker Identity mahasiswi di kota Bandung. Teori yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini adalah teori smoker identity (Dupont, P., et al. 2015). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi deskriptif. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan terhadap 100 orang mahasiswi kota Bandung menggunakan kuisoner yang disusun berdasarkan teori teori smoker identity (Dupont, P., et al. 2015). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah Smoker Identity paling banyak di kategori lemah sebanyak 50%.

Kata Kunci : Bandung, Mahasisiwi, Smoker Identity


Bandung, Mahasisiwi, Smoker Identity

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