Hubungan Antara Tipe Kepribadian dengan Psychological Well-Being Pada Remaja dari Orang Tua Bercerai Di Kota Bandung

Rizky Larasati, Eni Nuraeni Nugrahawati


Abstract. The impact of divorce on adolescents tends to be negative, including being irritable, moody, depressed and losing motivation to learn. However, the behavior of some teenagers from divorced parents shows positive behaviors such as achievement in both academic and non-academic, being able to accept family circumstances, and being optimistic about the future. The behavior illustrates psychological well-being is not low. One important factor in influencing psychological well-being is personality. The purpose of this study was to determine how closely the relationship between the personality types of the big five (McCrae & Costa, 1992) and psychological well-being (Ryff, 1989) adolescents from divorced parents. The method used is the correlational method. A total of 105 teenagers from divorced parents became the subject of research based on purposive sampling techniques. The research data were analyzed using the Spearman correlation test. The results obtained data that the dimensions of the Big Five personality type that correlates with psychological well-being are extraversion personality (r = 0.453 and p <0.05), agreeableness (r = 0.378 and p <0.05), conscientiousness (r = 0.478 and p <0.05), and openness (r = 0.417 and p <0.05). While personalities that are not correlated with psychological well-being are neuroticism personalities (r = -0.238 and p> 0.05).

Keywords: big five personality, psychological well-being, adolescents, divorce

Abstrak. Dampak perceraian terhadap remaja cenderung negatif, di antaranya seperti menjadi mudah marah, pemurung, depresi dan kehilangan motivasi belajar. Namun, perilaku beberapa remaja dari orang tua bercerai menampilkan perilaku positif seperti berprestasi baik dalam bidang akademik maupun non akademik, mampu menerima keadaan keluarga, dan optimis dengan masa depan. Perilaku yang ditampilkan menggambarkan psychological well-being yang baik. Salah satu faktor penting dalam mempengaruhi psychological well-being adalah kepribadian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa erat hubungan antara tipe kepribadian big five (McCrae & Costa,1992) dengan psychological well-being (Ryff, 1989) remaja dari orang tua bercerai. Metoda yang digunakan adalah metoda korelasional. Sebanyak 105 remaja dari orang tua bercerai menjadi subjek penelitian berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan data bahwa dimensi tipe kepribadian big five yang berkorelasi dengan psychological well-being adalah kepribadian extraversion (r=0,453 dan p<0,05), agreeableness (r=0,378 dan p<0,05), conscientiousness (r=0,478 dan p<0,05), dan openness (r=0,417 dan p<0,05). Sedangkan kepribadian yang tidak berkorelasi dengan psychological well-being adalah kepribadian neuroticism (r=-0,238 dan p>0,05).

Kata Kunci: big five personality, psychological well-being, remaja, perceraian


big five personality, psychological well-being, remaja, perceraian

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