Pengaruh Gratitude terhadap Well-Being pada Remaja di Pesantren Yatim Al-Hilal Kota Bandung

Ratasya Agnes Agustyana, Siti Qodariah


Abstract. Yatim Al-hilal Islamic boarding school in Bandung City is one of the social foundations engaged in the care of orphans. Al-hilal orphanages facilitate the lives of orphans who do not have enough life, aiming to prosper the orphans so that the foundation becomes the center of their happiness while joining Islamic boarding schools. The number of social foundations that have goals such as the orphanage Islamic boarding school is still very little, it makes teenagers become grateful every day to donors and boarding schools because they always educate and care sincerely, show pleasure and appreciate what they have got. Besides that they feel lucky because they are still given the opportunity to achieve happiness by not having a father. The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence gratitude has on the dimensions of well-being in adolescents in orphanages Al-hilal City of Bandung. This study uses population studies, with subjects as many as 35 adolescents. The method used in this study is a method of causality research with a quantitative approach. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire based on the theory of gratitude from McCullough (2004), The Gratitude Questionnaire-six items (GQ-6) and the well-being theory from Seligman (2011), The Workplace PERMA Profiler from Butler and Kern. The data used is interval data and uses simple regression analysis techniques. The results of this study found that the effect of gratitude on positive emotions was 12.5%, engagement 10.5%, relationship 15.5%, meaning 7% and accomplishment 13%.

Keywords: Gratitude, Well-Being, Adolescence


Abstrak. Pesantren Yatim Al-hilal di Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu yayasan sosial yang bergerak di bidang pengasuhan anak yatim. Pesantren yatim Al-hilal memfasilitasi kehidupan anak yatim yang tidak berkehidupan cukup, bertujuan untuk memakmurkan anak yatim agar yayasan tersebut menjadi pusat kebahagiaan mereka selama bergabung di pesantren. Jumlah yayasan sosial yang mempunyai tujuan seperti pesantren yatim Al-hilal masih sangat sedikit, hal tersebut membuat remaja menjadi bersyukur setiap harinya kepada donatur dan pengurus pesantren karena selalu mendidik serta merawat dengan tulus, menunjukan rasa senang serta menghargai apa yang sudah di dapatkan. Disamping itu mereka merasa beruntung karena masih di beri kesempatan untuk mencapai kebahagiaan walaupun tidak memiliki seorang ayah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh gratitude terhadap dimensi well-being pada remaja di pesantren yatim Al-hilal Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi populasi, dengan subjek sebanyak 35 orang remaja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kausalitas dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner yang didasarkan pada teori gratitude dari McCullough (2004), The Gratitude Questionnaire-six item (GQ-6) dan teori well-being dari Seligman (2011), The Workplace PERMA Profiler dari Butler dan Kern. Data yang digunakan merupakan data interval dan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pengaruh gratitude terhadap positive emotions sebesar 12,5%, engagement 10,5%, relationship 15,5%, meaning 7% dan accomplishment 13%.

Kata Kunci: Gratitude, Well-Being, Remaja


Gratitude, Well-Being, Remaja

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