Pengaruh Gratitude terhadap Well-being pada Guru Komunitas Homeschooling di Kota Bandung

Nuralda Rahmania, Siti Qodariah


Abstract. Education can be pursued through three paths, namely formal education, non formal education and informal education. One alternative education is Homeschooling which includes informal education. Teacher or tutor too positioned himself not as a teacher but as a friend to study. Teacher is a profession for those who devote themselves to education through educative interaction patterned, formal and systematic. The job of the teacher is not only teaching but the teacher is required to develop and apply appropriate learning methods for each student. Teacher's assignment become very important in the teaching and learning process, especially for teachers homeschooling that has greater demands than formal school teachers in general. With many demands, the teacher continues to show grateful behavior, such as displaying positive emotions, positive and permanent thinking feeling happy. This phenomenon leads researchers to research objectives for find out how much influence gratitude has on well-being on the teacher homeschooling community in the city of Bandung. This study uses population as many as 64 homeschooling community teachers in the city of Bandung. Measuring instrument the one used is The Gratitude Questionaire (GQ-6) from McCullough (2004) to measure gratitude and The Workplace PERMA Profiler from Margaret L.Kern (2014) to measure well-being. The results of the study obtained a positive effect between gratitude to wellbeing. The effect of gratitude on positive emotion is 14.8%, gratitude towards engagement at 7.6%, the gratitude to the relationship was 7.8%, gratitude to meaning is 10.7%, gratitude to achievement at 4.2%.

Keywords: Gratitude, Well-being, Homeschooling teacher.


Abstrak Pendidikan dapat di tempuh melalui tiga jalur yaitu pendidikan formal, pendidikan non formal dan pendidikan informal. Salah satu pendidikan alternatif adalah Homeschooling yang termasuk pendidikan informal. Guru atau tutor juga memposisikan dirinya bukan sebagai guru akan tetapi sebagai teman belajar. Guru adalah sebutan profesi bagi yang mengabdikan dirinya dalam bidang pendidikan melalui interaksi edukatif secara terpola, formal, dan sistematis. Tugas seorang guru tidaklah hanya mengajar tetapi guru dituntut untuk bisa mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk setiap siswanya. Tugas guru menjadi sangat penting dalam proses belajar mengajar terutama pada guru homeschooling yang memiliki tuntutan lebih besar daripada guru sekolah formal pada umumnya. Dengan tuntutan yang banyak, guru tetap memperlihatkan perilaku bersyukur, seperti menampilkan emosi positif, berfikir postif dan tetap merasa bahagia. Fenomena ini mengantar peneliti pada tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh gratitude terhadap well-being pada guru komunitas homeschooling di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi sebanyak 64 orang guru komunitas homeschooling di Kota Bandung. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah The Gratitude Questionaire (GQ-6) dari McCullough (2004) untuk mengukur gratitude dan The Workplace PERMA Profiler dari Margaret L.Kern (2014) untuk mengukur well-being. Hasil penelitian didapat pengaruh yang positif antara gratitude terhadap wellbeing. Pengaruh gratitude terhadap positive emotion sebesar 14,8%, gratitude terhadap engagement sebesar 7,6%, gratitude terhadap relationship sebesar 7,8%, gratitude terhadap meaning sebesar 10,7%, gratitude terhadap achievement sebesar 4,2%.

Kata Kunci: Gratitude, Well-being, Guru Homeschooling


Gratitude, Well-being, Guru Homeschooling

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