Hubungan Model Gaya Kelekatan dengan Adiksi Media Sosial pada Mahasiswa di Kota Bandung

Deani Indriani, Indri Utami Sumaryanti


Indonesia ranks third in Southeast Asian countries as themost internet addicted people. Based on the research by We Are Social, the average Indonesian spends three hours 23 minutes a day to access social media. Users in Indonesia are dominated by young people aged 18-24 years (Riana, January 14, 2016) whoseare the age of students. College students in Bandungalso use social media excessively,which couldbesaidas social media addiction. Cacioppo., Et al (2019) stated that one of the things that impactproblematic internet usage,which includes social media addiction ispersonal charachteristic: attachment style. The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data regarding the relationship between attachment style and social media addiction of collegestudents in Bandung. The method used is the correlational method with418 students in Bandungas respondent. Researcher used the standard instrument to measure both variables, which is Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ) (Van Oudenhoven, Hofstra, & Bakker, 2003; Van Oudenhoven, & Hofstra, 2005; Hofstra, Van Oudenhoven, & Buunk, 2005; Hofstra, 2009) to measure attachment style, and Bergen Social Media Addication Scale compiled by Andreassen et al., (2012) to measure social media addiction. Both of these instruments have been tested for validity and reliability before the actual data collection. The technique usedin this researchis the Spearman Rank correlation technique. Based on the data obtained, the relationship between preoccupied attachment style and social media addiction is 0.427; the relationship between fearful attachment style with social media addiction is 0.418; the relationship between dismissingattachment styleand social media addiction is 0.394; relationship between secure attachment style with social media addiction of -0,283. Students with a preoccupied, fearful, and dismissing attachment style have a high tendencyof addiction. While students with secure attachment style tend to have low levels of addiction tendencies.


Social Media Addiction, Attachment Style, College Students in Bandung

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